I wrote this as my reflection for the first quarter of the Servant Partner internship:
I watch from afar as my shift from seeing the poor as a blank face to
God who has a story and yearns for the right to be known and loved
Seeing How your Abundance of Love Overpowers Them
To see a God that rules not from just above but from the side
Right beside holding our hands every step that we take
Seeing How your Abundance of Love Overpowers Us
From a life so undeserving and a heart so impure
From a pile of ash and waste
You call me daughter
Seeing How your Abundance of Love Overpowers Me
I laugh to know that the desires of my heart have come true
That this imperfection has moved into the city
Seeing How your Abundance of Love Overpowers Me
I feel the fire burning with my desire to serve this city
A dream so long forgotten and now a dream come true
Seeing How your Abundance of Love Overpowers Me
A hope in a neighborhood set aside for calamity
Feeling the fear steadily rising up in me as we
Forget your abundance of love that overpowers us
The love that one can feel from another is so insufficient
A temporary kind of love that brings no satisfaction on the outside
But why do we crave it so much on the inside
Wanting and longing for your abundance of love to Overpower Us
How we long to see a harbor of your love that brings
Hope in what we do not see so we can
Feel the abundance of love overpower us
So we wait with anticipation
Wait, Watch, and See as your Abundance of Love Overpower us