Wednesday, May 22, 2013


     Transition is hard. After finishing my two year internship with Servant Partners, I realized that I love the idea of staying put. I gave myself one year to discern where I am going in life. Mind you not a permanent go, but a "what is the next steps in life" kind of thing. Needless to say, it has almost been one year and still have no clue what is next and what I am "doing" with my life.
     During this year, I've learned something about myself, I really like stability. I find it comforting that I have a place I can call my own and a job that I don't have to quit because I am leaving school for the real world. I think stability is always something I knew I wanted, but never had the capability to have. Now that my life  is not a total and complete mess, I am really enjoying this. Not having to worry were my next meal comes from or were I am going to live once my lease is up. I think this is why it's been difficult trying to discern my next steps... I am comfortable. Not sure that's a good thing.....

Thursday, May 16, 2013


     I love movies! It's probably the most enjoyable activity I like doing on my down time. My favorite kind of movies are, what some may call, "dumb" movies. They are silly and pointless but soooooo hilarious! For example; "Anchorman" or "Zoolander" However, every now and then I come across a good drama that reels me in from start to finish, like "Pride and Prejudice" or "Forrest Gump". I recently watched a movie (name disclosed so not to spoil anything for anyone) that is now on my list of great movies. I can't really explain why I enjoyed it so much, maybe the acting, or the story line, or the special effects but lets put it like this... Have you ever watched a movie and it left you completely speechless? The kind of speechless where the car ride home is silent and the only thing you can hear is your thoughts saying.. "Did that just happen?" or "What the heck just happened?" I can count on one hand how many times I have been speechless after a movie. This particular movie left me wanting, but not for more, if that makes since. Well, maybe for more of the story but it left a nudge in my heart, like ouch that hurt, what else happens. Well needless to say it was a great movie!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Streams of Consciousness

Random things that came to my mind a while back.... 

I think about why I exactly moved into the bay in the first place. I mean of course, who doesn't want to live in sunny California? However, I get the feeling that the sun is not why I am here. And yet again I am stuck with out an answer to why God has chosen to lift me from one place of poverty to another. Whatever the case may be i am sure i will find out.... right?

Invisible Scars,

It stil hurts when you push at it.
Though unseen i can still see them
Wanting to cover my body
not knowing what to do
Thinking people the walk by can see them too
but they are invisible
my scars to enternally bare
hearts broken and carelessly sewen together
the string i call pride has been cut into pieces only to be glued together waiting to be cut again
it still hurts when you push on it even though it's invisible
Why do you incest on making more
why when it's healed you keep coming back to pour
Pour into the scars as they keep getting bigger
it still hurts

"Again I observed all the oppression that takes place in our world. i saw the tears of the oppressed  with no one to comfort them. The oppressors have great power, and the victims are helpless. so i conclude that the dead are better off than the living. And most fortunate of all are those who are never born. For they have never seen all the evil that is done in our word." Ecclesiastes 4: 1-6

Monday, April 8, 2013

Let's Do This!

     I want to blog more! So here's to hoping this takes off and I can write on here regularly, even if it's a small post. 

Today's post is about this documentary I saw called "Searching for Sugar Man" (See trailer below)

A must watch! So very intriguing great story. Not to mention.... I love the music!!! 
